About Pascale Lafay
Solo exhibitions (selection)
2018 - Family, who are you ? - Myriam Bouagal Gallery, Paris, France - (404 photos/1 video) - Book (100 ex).
2015 - Sleep with me - Myriam Bouagal Gallery, Paris, France
2014 - Projection - Le Purgatoire Gallery, Paris, France.
2010 - In & out - Imagenic Agency Gallery, Geneva, Switzerland.
2009/10 - Pascale Lafay, objets photographiques - Tout Simple Sans Accoudoirs Gallery, Montreux, Switzerland.
2007/08 - Pionners and entrepreneers - Pico House, Los Angeles. U.S.A. Curator : Tamara Devrient.
Pascale Lafay - Gabriel Brachot Gallery, Bruxelles. Belgium.
7 forum d’arts plastiques en Ile de France. La dimension cachée - A. Malraux space center, le Kremlin-Bicêtre,
France - Subject of a lecture from Florence Gabriel, Art Historian - Curator : Xavier Zimmermann.
2005 - Midair - La Finestra, Los Angeles, U.S.A - Curator : Tamara Devrient and Marie Chambers.
2003/04 - Pascale Lafay, oeuvres photographiques - PAW, Paris, France.
2001 - Pascale Lafay - Camions I - Rouge 44 Gallery, Paris, France.
2000 - Pascale Lafay -12 tunnels - 91 quai de la gare, Paris, France - Curator : Tamara Devrient.
1996 - Yellow beef eat it - Effectifs de Profil Gallery, Lyon, France.
Maman je t’aime - VIA Gallery, Paris, France. (Furniture).
1989 - Psychés - Rohwedder Gallery, Paris, France.
Collective exhibitions (selection)
2017 - Ralph Pucci International Gallery, New York, USA.
2011 - Lingering whispers - St Pancras Crypt, London, England - Curator : P. Prajdic.
2008 - Mon prochain plasticien - Nguyen Tan Chuong Gallery, Paris, France.
2007 - Hommage à Isy Brachot - Gabriel Brachot Gallery, Bruxelles, Belgium.
7 forum d’ arts plastiques en Ile de France. La dimmension cachée - Boris Vian Cultural Center. Les Ulis, France.
- Curator : Xavier Zimmermann.
Air Force - Video showing. Olympic Museum of Lausanne, Switzerland.
Mickey dans tous ses états - Artcurial Gallery, Dassault Hôtel, Paris, France - Curator : Jessy Mansuy.
Girls, girls, girls... - Neuchâtel Art Center, Switzerland - Curators : Richard Leydier and Stéphane Panchréac’h.
2001 - Festival Noorderlicht, Sense of Space - Beeldende Kunst Quadrant Center, Groninguen, Holland. Curator : Wim Melis.
1996 - Le Musée de la Poste se fait la malle - Itinerary exhibition by the Post Museum; Paris, Le Mans, Rennes, Marseille,
Lyon, Bordeaux, Strasbourg, etc. France - Exhibition truck by by Jean Nouvel.
1995 - Traces, réseaux, dépôts et palimpsestes - Espace Kiron Gallery, Paris, France. Curator : Bernard Comment.
1992 - Lumières - Galerie du Passage, Pierre Passebon Gallery, Paris, France. (Furniture).
1989 - Inventaire 89 - Georges Pompidou Center, Paris, France. (Furniture).
Le bleu des créateurs vu par Andrée Putman - Galerie Lafayette, Paris. France - Curator: Andrée Putman. (Jewels)
Awards and grants
2017 - Green card awarded (E11 - alien with extraordinary ability).
2012 - First Prize AVIFF ( International Art Film Festival) for the Ouvre les yeux video - Cannes Festival, France.
2007 - Grant by the Regional Fund for Modern Art (FRAC).
2001 - Selected as a fellow at the Villa Medicis Hors Les Murs, French Institute. 3 months in Rome, Italy.
2000 - Grant by the CNC (National Center for Cinema and the Moving Image) for La femme qui a vu l’homme
qui est tombé - Scenario by P.Lafay and S.Nuzzo.
1997 - Grant by the CNC for Vers le sud - Scenario by S.Nuzzo and P.Lafay.
Catalogs (selection)
- Lingering whispers - 40 international artists - 224 pages - Edited by Predrag Pajdic - England - 2011.
With contributions by Sarah Bailey, J. L. Nash, Virginie Puertolas-Syn & Jeanne-Salomé Rochat - 2010.
- Pioneers and entrepreneurs - Edited by FLAX Foundation, in company of the Mayor of LA. U.S.A - 2007.
- La dimension cachée - Edited by Editions du Terrail - Foreword by Paul Loridant and Jean-Luc Laurent.
Text from Damien Sausset and Xavier Zimmerman - France - 2007.
- Mickey dans tous ses états - 40 international artists - Edited by Hôtel Dassault, foreword by R. Leydier - Paris, France - 2007.
- Saison française de la photographie – Foreword by A.Himmelreich, Netherland - 2001.
- Le Musée de la poste se fait la malle - Edited by the Post Museum - 1996.
- 100% BAT : the 100 best contemporary artists - Text from Noëlle Gauthier, France - 1990.
Press (selection)
- Interview by Vladimir Mitz for Radio Judaique FM - Paris, France - 2014.
- X-ELLES Le sexe vu par les femmes - Special Edition followed by art book, by Catherine Millet - Artpress - France- 2008.
- Pascale Lafay tries to make sense of feeling lost in L.A - David Ng - L.A Times (the Guide) – USA - 2007.
- Pascale Lafay. Douceur et violence - Xavier Zimmermann - Exporevue - 2007.
- Pascale Lafay. Artiste radicale - Damien Sausset - Exporevue - 2007.
- Midair, The Photography of Pascale Lafay - Adriaan Himmelreich - Exporevue - 2005.
- AROUND THE GALLERIES Awe mixes with fear and disgust - Leah Ollman - L.A Times - USA - 2005.
- Camions - Jérôme Cassou - www.parispremière.com - 2005.
- Pascale Lafay - Richard Leydier - Artpress - France - 2003.
- Entre l’effroi et le merveilleux - François Jonquet - Nova Mag - France - 2001.
(Also: Le Parisien/ Elle/ Libé/ Actuel/ Vogue Italie/ Corse Matin/ Dépêche Mode/ Le Provençal/ Le Nouvel Obs/ Glamour/
Le Quotidien de Paris/ Marie-Claire Maison/ L’Express/ Vogue Australie, Jalouse, Regard Expo, etc.
Interview for Shisheido TV, Japan, 10 mn & for Paris Première TV, France, 7mn. / Interwiew by Jose Arthur. France Inter Radio).
Workshops and jury
- Workshop, Collège Saint Éxupéry, Paris, France - 2009.
- Workshop and jury Angoulêmes EESI (European College for the Visual Arts), France - 2007.
- Teacher for a 6 months course on photography, followed by an exhibition. ELF Foundation Drancy, France -1996.
- Curator for the exhibition « Créateurs et Méditerranée », Festival of the Mediteranean Culture, Bastia, France - 1991.
- Jury (short films) for the 7th International Film Festival of the Mediteranean Culture, Bastia, France - 1991.
Collaborations (selection)
- Shopping - Music video for the band June and December. 3 mn. Paris, France - 2012
- Air force - Video for the movie Dessine moi une ligne by Sébastien Devrient - 40 mn. Switzerland - 2006.
- Contributor to Psychologie Magazine, 2011 - Santé Mentale magazine, 2012 - Jalouse magazine, 202/03.
- Set artist for « Une petite douleur », by Harold Pinter, director: Frédéric Fuster, La Main d’Or theatre, Paris - 1992.
- Interior Design for Rock Hair, Paris -1996
- Interior Design for Tehen showroom, Paris. Command by Garouste& Bonneti - 1994.
- Permanent collection of the En attendant les barbaresGallery (furniture) - 1989/94.
- Assistant Director for the theatre play Paris Gipsy by David Rochline - Autumn Festival / Wallonie Brussel Center, Paris, 1987
and St-Denis Festival, Gérard Philippe Theatre, France, 1988.
- Jewlery head designer for Thierry Mugler, 3 years / Jewlery design for the musical comedy Emilie Jolie designed by T. Mugler.
- Jewlery design for Christian Dior and Nina Ricci.
- Creation and conception of accessories and sets for advertising.
Writing cinema / theatre plays
2014 - Bébé Loterie - Short film - 2017 Films, Lyon, France.
2012/13 - Le Doc de personne - Feature film - Belissima Films, Paris, France.
2000/02 - La femme qui a vu l'homme qui est tombé - Feature film - P. Lafay and S. Nuzzo - Les films de Cléopatre. Paris, France.
Runner up for Best Scenario 2000, Sopadin Prize - Grant by the CNC and support by Scenario.
1996/97 - Vers le sud - Feature film – By S. Nuzzo and P.Lafay Alpha Key Productions, Paris, France - Grant by the CNC.
1995/96 - 69 images seconde - Feature film - BELT Productions, Paris, France.
1991/92 - Les tacs-tics du cœur - Theatre play produced by B. Picasso - Tambour Royal theatre and Lutécia Hôtel. Paris, France.
Actress Feature Film
1999 - Les infortunes de la beauté by John Lvoff - 1987 Jeux d’artifices by Virginie Thévenet.
1985 - Les trottoirs de Saturne by Hugo Santiago- La nuit porte jarretelles by V.Thévenet.
Actress Short Film
1999 - Comme un mome sort du square by Vivianne Perelmuter - 1997 Kracivy parij by Raphaël Girardot - 1994 On y verra plus clair quand il fera nuit by Sébastien Nuzzo - 1993 Lucille et le photomaton by S.Nuzzo. Youth prize at the Pantin Festival -
1989 - Marie cherchait l'amour by Sylvie Meyer - 1988Méliès 88, les sept péchés capitaux by Philippe Gautier - La Confidente diabolique by Philippe Demontaut - 1987 La main dans la nuque by Judith Dupasquier - 1986 Innamorata by S. Meyer.
Actress TV
2000 - Affaires familiales by Alain Sachs - 1999 17, rue des Moulins by Rémy Burkel - 1996 Tout ce qui brille by Lou Jeunet -
1993 - Rhésus Roméo by Philippe Le Guay - 1989 Les jupons de la révolution, Marie-Antoinette by Caroline Huppert.
Actress Theatre
1992/93 - Les tacs-tics du cœur by P. Lafay – Director : Panos Koutras - Tambour Royal Theater & Lutécia Hotel, Paris, France.
1986 - Un amour by Dino Buzatti. Director : Martine de Breteuil - Theatre of the Orangerie, Paris, France.
1985 - Premier prix de piano by Eugène Labiche. DirectorNicolaï Arutène - Palais des Glaces Theatre, Paris, France.